
Ukpenu Solar Grid Installation

Installation of a Solar grid of 33 solar panels to power Ukpenu Health Centre, High Court, The Market and Environs with a coverage of 5km square meters reach.

Illeh and Urohi Health Centres

Full Reconstruction and presentation of Illeh and Urohi Health Centres.

Emuado Health Centre

Emuado Health Centre

Commencement of the Reconstruction of Emaudo Health Centre.
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Reconstruction of Ujemen Road

Reconstruction of Ujemen Road

Reconstruction of 1T4 Road at Ujemen Ekpoma
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Reconstruction of Dova Road

Reconstruction of Dova Road

Rehabilitation of Dova Road, Ekpoma.
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Ultra Modern Market

Ultra Modern Market

Flag off of an ultra modern market stalls project at the Central Market.
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Provision of stone based palliatives work on the federal expressway to ease the movement of heavy duty vehicles that have been stranded for months.

Full evacuation and disposal of heaps of refuse at the market which had hitherto covered over 30% of the market space now freed for trades and economic activities.

The Uwenlebo Road has been reconstructed by the Honorable Chairman.

Talk to us

Have any questions or complainnts? We are always open to talk about what’s happening in your community, projects, available opportunities and how we can all join force in building a better Esan West Local Government.